
When Sheila encountered old age her interior design career’s unique experiences became a guide to embrace change and shape an entirely new lifestyle; the adventure of being a resident with 800+ elders all heading to the backstretch.
Join her for a trek to the Inn of the Geriatrics in Post 1,

Is there ever a good time to suggest to your husband that it’s time to move to a Retirement Home?
There’s not — and my cheery voice made zero impact. (But one of us knew; ——it was time!)
As my husband answered, in an incredulous voice, “What do you mean?“
(wah, wah)
My anemic answer! We’ll add a new layer to our life???
And then he looked outside thru our light-filled solarium window and said, flatly,
  “I like this layer.
For starters, it was a disproportionate discussion, my husband saw a sassy swan fountain, an ancient pepper tree holding a wicker swing, a cutting garden, citrus trees and a pergola from which hung a 2′1/2 ” 1906 bell that had started life in another universe as an “Historic El Camino Real Bell.”
(They were original guideposts for Franciscan friars who walked “The Royal Road;” — the 700 mile historic California Mission Trail connecting 21 missions and 4 presidios (military forts) from San Diego to San Francisco.) If a Padre walked from one mission to the next one— it took three days —
on horseback, one day.
As I write this and remember images of that backyard we loved, I also remember the need to face life with unflinching honesty. We were the right age; had too much stuff and property and one of us — had serious health issues. It was essential to step-it-up-a-bit! (Surely, we had enough perspective to push our boundaries and retire to— The Retirement Home!)
I was not a rookie on the retirement home landscape because I was the interior designer of a large retirement facility, had helped relatives and friends search for solutions to their aging needs, plus designed apartments for retirees downsizing that offered me energizing opportunities to share in their new senior environments because “when death is already sounding its high C,” — ‘Anthony Burgess,” — there are challenges.
And retirement homes have Band-Aids.
(The building I designed was part of a CCRC* and was a tear-down that completely replaced the former building.
The job was not in the city where I lived so this required travel to that location for two or three day visits. allowing me to meet residents and understand their needs more thoroughly. Trust me, they had magnetic personalities, — were quick-witted and up-to-date. (Being old did not and does not mean you’re dead!) Unequivocally , I may now be old, but, — I’m not dead yet.
The whole commission included space planning, public rooms, window treatments, carpeting, etc., a provocative challenge when a picture in my past ballooned evoking the first retirement home, I had ever seen.
I was eight years old when we moved across the street from “The Altenheim,” — the German title for an Old Folks Home. I could not believe my parent’s choice. How could they buy our house across the street from that huge, hostile torture chamber? It looked scary and seemed frightening!
After all, I was an ardent fan of Nancy Drew, devouring her books and I knew, “The Altenheim” had dripping cobwebs with a secret staircase hiding a dead body!
My mother’s cure-all, “The people are old and I know a nice lady who lives there; we’ll visit her soon.”
“No way,. Not me!
So much for the remembrances of an eight year old recalling “The Altenheim!” That was then, and this is now, and now,— —
I’m hoping we’ll move to an Altenheim?? Hmmm….

* A Continuing Care Retirement Community that is designated as a CCRC offers independent living, assisted living and skilled nursing and usually has memory care arrangements. “AARP — There are nearly 2,000 CCRC’s in the U.S.”
Happy New Year, Blaire

life in a retirement home — hmmmmmmmmm?

Exploring the in’s & out’s of my vintage life.
“The population of over 65er’s is expected to grow 8.6 million by 2030 and the elder population is projected to outnumber children.” (Census Bureau)
I am now a resident in a senior facility and want to share my experience as a way of navigating old age in a community that offers ways for aging populations to segue into a health care environment. Well, we certainly wanted to segue, so we moved, hoping to make positive change for a fundamental and optimistic part of our everyday vernacular and to stay healthy, cognizant, flexible.
Surprise! It seemed an extraordinary happening, but one I was totally ready to take on. I was the right age (ELDERLY) to move into a retirement home! What? Old? And still have a life? Evidently yes. It happened! and I find myself ensconced in a two bedroom, two bathroom and kitchen apartment that could easily be a New York boarding house with meals and surrounded by glorious weather, brilliant friends and about 70+ activities.
I decided to be an “octogenarian blog writer”. There were many lovely experiences that shaped my life along the way to retirement. One was the summers spent ice skating in the U.S. and Canada, teaching elementary school and community college, lecturing at Interior Design Conferences and on cruise ships. My Interior Design firm focused on finding solutions for seniors, their environmental needs and safe interiors and I lucked out; my work experience among those seniors/friends presented moments of shared hopes and fears about this larger-than-life capacious life-style change.
And, I want to share ours.
You will need a clear mindset because there are many areas to research when you start encountering the beautiful properties and the interesting activities offered by retirement communities as they endeavor to challenge your mind and body — and they do. What could be better? Do….
And explore with me your ability to —
1. Leave the home you treasure,
2. Enjoy new friends, landscapes & new digs,
3. Take advantage of the stimulating activities,[lectures, classes, fitness etc]
4. Investigate existing medical resources to see if applicable for relocating to an unfamiliar terrain,
5. Be smart with your money — the amount of cash you are going to pay, can pay and will pay,
6. Investigate future expenses and cost of living raises,
7. Location, location — is this the location where you want to live for your lifetime,
8. Separate the tempting emotions of — “Oh, this is perfect. Let’s move!”
9. When you make a new friend, will you be a good listener.
[I will be discussing these and other topics that I encountered.]
New friends, a wealth of interesting people waiting to make new connections. Unquestionably, a multitude of positive social experiences satisfied our emotional needs — friendships with poets, scientists, artists, researchers, even an Admiral or two. All high achievers who live and share their absorbing life stories in my community.
Hang around with me and my blog and meet this Intrepid Octogenarian and….
                 At the heart —— have a family you deeply love, cherish and esteem!
Cherish friends!
My A,B,C’s: These amazing people help and support me throughout my Blog Journey – Thank you!
Betty Barnecut, Writer & Editor
 Sue Berman, Intrepid Octogenarian Caricature Artist
Matt Karl, Project Manager & Computer Ninja
If you have questions or if my blog helps in any way, let me know, I would love hearing from you. It’s a great world out there and this is a way to experience and share it.
  “KICKOFF TIME____,” (1,2,3)
“THE JOURNEY_____,”(4,5,6)
“HOME, SWEET HOME_____,”(7,8,9,10)